Community participation is an essential requirement for developing plans and efforts on the national cultural advancement, which is manifested in the four strategic actions, i.e. preservation, development, utilization, and empowerment.

The Law on Advancement of Culture outlines four strategic actions in promoting culture, i.e. preservation, development, utilization, and empowerment. Each action serves a specific need. Preservation, development, and utilization are aimed at strengthening elements in the cultural ecosystem, while empowerment aims to increase the capacity of human resources in the cultural ecosystem.

These four actions are integrally interconnected. The achievement of each action supports the other strategic actions. Therefore, the implementation of the four strategic actions is not to be carried out in stages or step by step, but simultaneously. It is only through this simultaneous implementation that the objectives of the Law on Advancement of Culture of “Indonesian people who are politically sovereign, economically independent, and culturally civilized” can be realized.

Work Details of the Four Strategic Actions

Formulating Cultural White Papers

Efforts to promote culture are guided by four documents, i.e. the District/Municipality Cultural White Papers, Provincial Cultural White Papers, Cultural Strategy, and Master Plan for Advancement of Culture. The four documents are arranged in stages through four stages—public participation is essential at every stage of preparation.

First, the development of the Document on District/Municipality Cultural White Papers. This document summarizes the conditions, situations, and potentials in each region. The formulation of the document involves the community as well as experts in the field of local culture, with the support of the district/municipality government.

Second, the development of the Document on Provincial Cultural White Papers. The mechanism is more or less the same as the first stage; however, this time it is carried out at the provincial level.

Third, the development of the Cultural Strategy document. This document summarizes the entire Regional Cultural White Papers, which are processed into a vision for cultural advancement for the next two decades. This document also summarizes various strategic issues, processes, and methods to realize the vision for cultural advancement that has been declared. The formulation of the cultural strategy involves the community through experts who have competence and credibility related to objects of cultural advancement.

Fourth, the development of the Master Plan for Advancement of Culture. This document is technical in nature. It serves to translate the points in the Cultural Strategy into the government’s work procedure on culture for the next two decades. The formulation of this document is supervised by the Minister of Education and Culture, in coordination with the relevant ministries/institutions.

Throughout the process, the government plays a larger role as a facilitator who accompanies the community in the formulation of cultural advancement, by accommodating the participation and aspirations of all stakeholders. The government is also present as a guide for the community’s efforts in advancing culture, so that it remains in harmony with the applicable laws and regulations. Based on these designs, the government together with the community works to reach cultural advancement, from the local to the national level.